Source code for

"""Get the current Python events from an ics file and format them into a markdown string."""
from __future__ import annotations

from re import search
from typing import Any

import anyio
import arrow
from httpx import AsyncClient, codes
from icalendar import Calendar

__all__ = ("FetchFailedError", "fetch_ics", "format_event", "main", "parse_ics_to_md", "write_to_md_file")

[docs] class FetchFailedError(Exception): """Raised when the fetch fails for any reason."""
[docs] async def fetch_ics(url: str) -> Any: # noqa: ANN401 """Fetches the ics file from the given url and returns the text content. Args: url (str): The url to fetch the ics file from Raises: FetchFailedException: If the fetch fails for any reason Returns: str: The text content of the ics file """ async with AsyncClient(follow_redirects=True) as client: resp = await client.get(url) if resp.status_code != codes.OK: msg = f"Status code: {resp.status_code}" raise FetchFailedError(msg) return resp.text
[docs] def format_event(event_time_start: arrow.Arrow, event_time_end: arrow.Arrow | None, summary: str, link: str) -> str: """Formats the event into a markdown string. Args: event_time_start (arrow.Arrow): The start time of the event event_time_end (arrow.Arrow): The end time of the event summary (str): The summary of the event link (str): The link to the event Returns: str: The markdown string """ start_date_str = event_time_start.format("D MMM") end_date_str = event_time_end.format("D MMM") if event_time_end else "" date_range = f"{start_date_str} - {end_date_str}" if end_date_str else start_date_str return f"* [{summary}]({link}) {date_range}\n"
[docs] def parse_ics_to_md(ics_str: str) -> str: """Parses the ics string into a markdown string. Args: ics_str (str): The ics string to parse Returns: str: The markdown string """ cal = Calendar.from_ical(ics_str) now = next_month = now.shift(months=1) current_events = [] future_events = [] for component in cal.walk(): if == "VEVENT": event_time_start = arrow.get(component.get("dtstart").dt) event_time_end = arrow.get(component.get("dtend").dt) if component.get("dtend") else None description = component.get("description") summary = component.get("summary") search_result = search(r'(?P<url>https?://[^\s">]+)', description) if description else None link ="url") if search_result else "" event_md = format_event(event_time_start, event_time_end, summary, link) if now <= event_time_start < next_month: future_events.append(event_md) elif now >= event_time_start and (event_time_end is None or now <= event_time_end): current_events.append(event_md) full_calendar_link = "[Full Events Calendar](\n\n" current_events_str = "".join(current_events) future_events_str = "".join(future_events) return f"{full_calendar_link}### Current Events\n{current_events_str}\n### Future Events\n{future_events_str}"
[docs] async def write_to_md_file(content: str, file_path: str) -> None: """Writes the content to the given file path. Args: content (str): The content to write file_path (str): The file path to write to """ async with await anyio.open_file(file_path, "w") as f: await f.write(content)
[docs] async def main() -> None: """Make events go brr.""" ics_url = ( "" ) ics_str = await fetch_ics(ics_url) events_md = parse_ics_to_md(ics_str) await write_to_md_file(events_md, "")
if __name__ == "__main__":